How We Work
How FlexFulfills Works
Meet your dedicated account manager who will set you up for success. From daily operations to fulfillment advice, this will be your go-to person for all your order fulfillment needs.
Easy Shipping Starts from Today
Set Up Your Account
Meet your dedicated account manager who will set you up for success. From daily operations to fulfillment advice, this will be your go-to person for all your order fulfillment needs.
Connect Your Online Store
We’ll sync our fulfillment software with your ecommerce website or marketplace. In a few clicks, we will start automatically receiving your customer orders in our system for fulfillment.
Send Us Your Products
Ship your inventory to any combination of our warehouses worldwide to be stored safely, ready to be fulfilled. With Flexfulfill's inventory management software, you can keep track of quantity.
Pick, Pack and Ship
Ship your inventory to any combination of our warehouses worldwide to be stored safely, ready to be fulfilled. With FlexFulfill's inventory management software, you can keep track of quantity.
Orders Tracking and Analytics
Once dispatched, a tracking number will be sent to your customer. You can monitor order shipping status and update your inventory levels easily, all through our software dashboard.